Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Monday, November 12, 2018

Sunday, September 23, 2018

The Week in Tech: Are Robots Coming for Your Job? Eventually, Yes. - The New York Times

The Week in Tech: Are Robots Coming for Your Job? Eventually, Yes. - The New York Times:

Their school is designed around projects and peer learning with mentors, but no formal teachers.

Technical skills are only part of the program. Writing white papers, project reviews and public speaking are also emphasized. Critical thinking, teamwork and learning to learn are the higher-order skills.

Technology changes too fast, Mr. Barbier said, for expertise in a particular set of software tools to be a lasting asset in the labor market.

“In two years, you do learn a craft that is in demand,” said Mr. Barbier, Holberton’s chief executive. “But this is really about self-learning. If you can train yourself, you’re never going to obsolete.”

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Friday, January 12, 2018

Why you need a bootcamp grad | IDG Connect

Why you need a bootcamp grad | IDG Connect: Finding entry-level technology talent has never been tougher. While universities graduate 59,000 computer science graduates in the US every year there is anywhere from 500,000 to one million IT jobs left unfilled according to Computerworld.